Why an uninterrupted internet connection at home is more critical than ever before

24.12.20 11:07 AM By Kim

Now more than ever, internet access is a lifeline - not a luxury. Our internet connection at home has become our umbilical cord to the outside world.

The way we worked flipped upside down overnight. Suddenly, everyone's home internet connections were essential - not just for work, but also for online learning, live-streamed events and communication with family and friends.

You want at least 10 Mbps of download speed of dedicated internet bandwidth for each person working from home.

The importance of internet reliability

Working from home is more than just a trend, a bonus perk, or a temporary fix to the current COVID-19 pandemic. Remote work is here to stay, with many companies transitioning to permanent work-from-home roles. It is the new normal way to work for millions of employees in South Africa and across the world. 

As employees adjust and adapt to this new virtual workplace, it has become apparent that the technical requirements will play a major role in the success of work-from-home positions.

As a work-from-home employee, the most important thing that you need to succeed in remote work positions is a strong internet connection. This will allow you to complete your work, collaborate with colleagues and stay in contact with customers and suppliers. Without a decent internet signal, you will probably experience grainy video calls, prolonged download times and many more annoying communication issues.

You will need a minimum of 50 to 100 Mbps internet download speeds for working from home

What type of internet speeds do I need?

The first step to deciding what type of internet connection is best for you(be it fibre, lte, adsl or satellite), is to consider what is absolutely necessary to your work.

  • Will you need to use Skype, Zoom, or other HD video call platforms?
  • Will you need to make voice calls to colleagues and customers? (VoIP calls)
  • Do you need to download or upload large files quickly?
  • Do you need to watch video content?

click here to see our fibre internet speed guide 




Uncapped LTE is an ideal internet connection for working from home

Quality, high-speed internet solutions

It's unquestionable that a robust internet connection is vital to successfully working from home. This 2021, you don't have to put up with an erratic internet connection that freezes during your important meetings.

Get a high-speed internet connection through DSL Telecom and start impressing your colleagues and customers. Choose between LTE internet deals, Fibre internet deals, ADSL internet deals, Satellite internet deals or Mobile Data internet packages.

To find out more and see which internet packages are available, visit our website www.dsltelecom.co.za
